Figure 1.
Multi-site stimulation that utilizes spatio-temporal independent monopolar stimulation strategies at L2 and S1 reveal unique effects of change in frequency of stimulation and relative timing between stimulation pulses.
(A–D) During a testing session rats are suspended using a body weight support system over a moving treadmill and stimulated at the L2 and S1 spinal segments to elicit a stepping response. In this demonstration, a single rat is stimulated (monopolar) at the L2 spinal segment with a frequency of 40 Hz (L2 only) and S1 stimulation is altered between four different frequencies. Note that with increasing frequency of stimulation, the number of spinal evoked responses from the tibialis anterior (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles also increases. Trials C and D resulted in the best stepping pattern and suggests interaction of frequencies in a way that engages a wider flexor-extensor neuronal pool for robust locomotor output. Note that a clear interaction response is evoked only in the presence of S1 stimulation pulse. E–F) Keeping the frequency of stimulaiton at S1 constant, our data also reveal that the time at which the L2 or S1 pulse is initiated with respect to each other strongly shapes locomotor success. Two distinct relative times that enhance step quality were identified. Red and blue traces in F indicate responses to individual S1 or L2 pulses respctively. Traces in black are a resultant evoked response consequent to the added pulse from L2 or S1. Note that a L2 pulse initiated 3–19 ms after onset of the S1 pulse results in a polysynaptic response (condition 1); while a S1 pulse initiated after the L2 pulse drastically amplifies the interaction evoked response.