Figure 4.
Representative hematoxylin-eosin stained images of spinal cord sections (original magnification ×400).
On day 1 post-injury, there was bleeding and swelling in the sham and SCI groups, but there were no histomorphological changes observed in the EA group; on day 7 post-injury, there was less bleeding, and the pathological changes started to improve in the EA group; on day 14 post-injury, the EA group had no bleeding, the edge of the neurons began to be clear, and there was less microglial proliferationthan in the SCI group. Scale bars: 50 μm. The sham group underwent laminectomy only, the SCI group underwent laminectomy + SCI induction at T10, and the EA group underwent laminectomy + SCI induction at T10 + EA intervention. SCI: Spinal cord injury; EA: electroacupuncture.