Table 4. Differentially expressed genes between p65high vs. p65− patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in the overall cohort and in the germinal-center-B-cell-like subgroup.
Functional categories | p65high vs. p65− DLBCL (FDR <0.15) | p65high GCB vs. p65− GCB (FDR <0.05) |
Signaling, ion channels | IL10RA ↑ GPS2 /// D4S234E ↑ NOTCH3 ↑ VAV1 ↑ | FAM26F ↑ MT1X ↑ MT1G ↑ MT2A ↑ MT1F ↑ CFLAR ↑ CLEC7A ↑ |
Immune responses, inflammation | GRN ↑ | CD163 ↑ GRN ↑ FCER1G ↑ CD84 ↑ CYBB ↑ |
Cell cycle, DNA metabolism, transcription and translation regulation | JUN ↑ PRDM1 ↑ GATAD2A ↑ TCF25 ↑ MLLT10 ↑ EP400 ↑ HOXD10 ↑ TAF1B ↓ ZNF254 ↓ RPL37A ↓ UHRF1 ↓ MCM10 ↓ BTG3 ↓ | JUN ↑ GATAD2A ↑ RBMS1 ↑ |
Apoptosis | TMBIM6 ↑ RNF130 ↑ BIRC6 ↓ | RNF130 ↑ |
Metabolism, redox regulation | SLC9A9 ↑ ATP6V0C ↑ SLC25A16 ↑ SAT1 ↑ SMPD1 ↑ C10orf58 ↑ HNMT ↑ GTPBP2 ↑ | CPD ↑ GLUL ↑ SAT1 ↑ FTL ↑ ANKRD11 ↑ SLC9A9 ↑ |
Transport, trafficking, protein folding, modification | NPC2 ↑ WASH3P ↑ FTL ↑ GM2A ↑ KDELR1 ↑ SLC39A7 ↑ CTSD ↑ CALU ↑ | SLC8A1 ↑ GM2A ↑ DNAJC5 ↑ BCAP31 ↑ NPC2 ↑ |
Cell adhesion, cytoskeleton, collagen, extracellular matrix | ITGB2 ↑ MYLK ↑ CD84 ↑ FMOD ↑ | IQGAP1 ↑ UTRN ↑ |
Degradation | CTSZ ↑ IDS ↑ | IDS ↑ |
IncRNA genes, other function | PLEKHO2 ↑LOC100288142 /// NBPF1 /// NBPF10 ↑ CCHCR1 ↑ IGLJ3 ↑ DLEU2 /// DLEU2L ↓ NOL10 ↓ | MT1P2 ↑ PLEKHO2 ↑ ZDHHC20 ↑ |
Abbreviations: p65high, high p65 nuclear expression (immunohistochemistry results: ≥50%); p65−, negative p65 nuclear expression (immunohistochemistry results: <10%); FDR, false discovery rate. *Upregulated genes in bold.