Table 1.
Available Q-system reagents
Stock number | Q-transgene | Purpose/function | Reference |
Driver lines with original QF | |||
36347 | iav-QF | Expresses QF in chordotonal organs in the pattern of the iav (inactive) gene | [74] |
36346, 36349 | nompC-QF | Expresses QF in chordotonal organs vchA, vchB, lch5 and lch1, the class III sensory neurons vdaD, v’pda, ldaB, ddaA and ddaF and the dmd1 sensory neurons in the pattern of the nompC gene. | [74] |
36357 | Synj-QF | Expresses QF in the nervous system, imaginal disks, gut and salivary glands in the pattern of the synj (Synaptojanin) gene. | [74] |
36365 | Tbh-QF | Expresses QF in the larval nerve cord in the pattern of the Tyramine beta-hydroxylase gene, targets octopaminergic neurons. | [75] |
52244, 52245 | Tdc2-QF | Expresses QF under control of Tdc2 (Tyrosine decarboxylase 2) regulatory sequences, targets tyraminergic neurons. | [76] |
52250, 52251, 57359, 57362 | Trh-QF | Expresses QF under control of Trh (Tryptophan hydroxylase) regulatory sequences. | [76] |
36345, 36348 | TrpAl-QF | Expresses QF in class IV larval sensory neurons in the pattern of the TrpAl gene. | [74] |
36370 | Trpl-QF | Expresses QF in Bolwig’s organ and eye imaginal disks in the pattern of the trpl gene. | [74] |
30014, 30015, 30037, 30038, 30039 | GH146-QF | Expresses QF in subsets of projection neurons. | [15] |
41573 | Mz19-QF | Expresses QF in olfactory projection neurons. | [51] |
30016, 30043, 30042, 30019, 30018 | EnhancerTrap-QF | Enhancer trap lines generated by random insertion at various genomic loci | [15] |
30017, 30020 | SwappableEnhancer Trap-QF | Enhancer trap lines generated by random insertion at various genomic loci. These lines allow replacement of QF with another gene. | [15] |
57361, 57363, 57364 | Ddc-FRT-stop-FRT-QF | Expresses QF in the pattern of the Ddc (Dopa decarboxylase) gene upon FLP-mediated removal of a transcriptional stop cassette. | Contributed by Tom Hartl and Matt Scott |
57358, 57365 | Trh-FRT-stop-FRT-QF | Expresses QF in the pattern of the Trh (Tryptophan hydroxylase) gene upon FLP-mediated removal of a transcriptional stop cassette. | Contributed by Tom Hartl and Matt Scott |
InSITE-QF | Enhancer-trap lines from InSITE collection | [64] | |
IR76b-QF | Expresses QF in a subset of neurons in the pattern of chemosensory receptor IR76b | [77] | |
Or67d-QF | Expresses QF in a subset of neurons in the pattern of olfactory receptor OR67d | [59] | |
Driver lines with QF2 | |||
51957, 51958 | αTubulin-QF2 | Expresses QF2 ubiquitously under the control of αTubulin84B | [41] |
51955, 51956, 51959 | nsyb-QF2 | Expresses QF2 pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb. | [41] |
60320 | Chat-QF2 | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses QF2 in the pattern of cholineacetyl transferase, targets cholinergic neurons. | [66] |
60315 | vGlut-QF2 | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses QF2 in the pattern of vesicular glutamate transporter, targets glutamatergic neurons | [66] |
60323 | Gad1-QF2 | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses QF2 in the pattern of glutamic acid decarboxylase 1, targets GABAergic neurons | [66] |
Driver lines with QF2w(eak) | |||
51961 | Actin5C-QF2w | Expresses QF2w under the control of the Act5C promoter. | [41] |
51962, 51963 | αTubulin-QF2w | Expresses QF2w ubiquitously under the control of αTubulin84B | [41] |
51960, 51964, 51965 | nsyb-QF2w | Expresses QF2w pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb. | [41] |
59283 | pGMR-QF2w | Expresses QF2w under the control of the GMR promoter in the eye-antennal imaginal disk. | [41] |
Driver lines with GAL4QF | |||
51945, 51946, 51947 | nsyb-GAL4QF | Expresses the GAL4 DNA-binding domain fused to the QF2w activation domain pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb. | [41] |
59284, 59285 | Actin5C-GAL4QF | Expresses GAL4QF under the control of the Act5C promoter. | [41] |
Driver lines with LexAQF | |||
51953, 51954 | nsyb-LexAQF | Expresses the LexA DNA-binding domain fused to the QF activation domain pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb. | [41] |
62567, 62568 | Actin5C-LexAQFw | Expresses LexAQFw under the control of the Act5C promoter. | [41] |
60319 | Chat-LexAQF | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses LexAQF in the pattern of cholineacetyl transferase, targets cholinergic neurons. | [66] |
60314 | vGlut-LexAQF | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses LexAQF in the pattern of vesicular glutamate transporter, targets glutamatergic neurons | [66] |
60324 | Gad1-LexAQF | Trojan-MiMIC line that expresses LexAQF in the pattern of glutamic acid decarboxylase 1, targets GABAergic neurons | [66] |
Available by request from C. Potter, JHU | αTubulin-FRT-stop-FRT-LexAQF | Expresses LexAQF ubiquitously under the control of αTubulin84B upon FLP-mediated removal of transcriptional stop cassette | |
QUAS reporter lines | |||
52259, 52260 | 10xQUAS-Chr2.T159C-HA | A variant of Channelrhodopsin, excitatory blue light-activated sodium channel, tagged with HA. | [76] |
58401, 58402 | QUAS-FRT-stop-FRT-ChR2.TR-mCherry | A variant of Channelrhodopsin, excitatory blue light-activated sodium channel tagged with mCherry, that will be expressed upon excision of FRT-stop-FRT cassette. | [59] |
58400 | QUAS-ChR2.TR-mCherry | A variant of Channelrhodopsin, excitatory blue light-activated sodium channel, tagged with mCherry. | [59] |
36356, 36367 | QUAS-CHETA.YFP | A variant of Channelrhodopsin, excitatory blue light-activated sodium channel, tagged with YFP. | [74] |
55106, 55107, 55108, 55109 55110, 55115, 55116, 55120 | QUAS-X∷CycB | Cyclin B, tagged with RFP or Venus YFP, to mark cells in S, G2, and M phases of cell cycle. Reagent of the Fly-FUCCI system. | [78] |
55106, 55107, 55108, 55109 55115, 55116, 55119, 55120 | QUAS-X∷E2F1 | E2F1, tagged with CFP or GFP, to mark cells in S, G2, and M phases of cell cycle. Reagent of the Fly-FUCCI system. | [78] |
30008, 30126, 30127 | QUAS-FLP | FLP recombinase | [15] |
52226, 52227 | QUAS-R-GECO | RGECO calcium reporter | [58] |
30001, 30002, 30003 | QUAS-mCD8:GFP | Membrane-bound GFP | [15] |
52263, 52264 | 10xQUAS-6XGFP | Cytoplasmic hexameric GFP for extra-strong labeling. | [44] |
36351 | QUAS-nSyb:mCherry-HA | Cherry- and HA-tagged n-syb protein for labeling presynaptic terminals | [74] |
36358 | QUAS-nSyb:GFP-myc | GFP- and myc-tagged n-syb protein for labeling presynaptic terminals | [74] |
30134, 30135, 30136 | QUAS-FRT-stop-FRT-mCD8:GFP | GFP, fused to membrane tag CD8, expressed upon FLP-mediated removal of transcription stop | [15] |
36355, 36366 | QUAS-eNpHR | Halorhodopsin, inhibitory yellow light-activated chloride channel. | [74] |
30006, 30007 | QUAS-nuclacZ | LacZ (beta-galactosidase) for labeling nuclei. | [15] |
36352, 36353, 36363, 36364 | QUAS-Rab3 | Synaptic vesicle membrane-associated protein Rab3, tagged with GFP or mCherry. | [74, 76] |
52255 | 10xQUAS-2xHA-Rab3 | Synaptic vesicle membrane-associated protein Rab3, tagged with HA. | [74, 76] |
52269, 52270 | 10xQUAS-6XmCherry | Cytoplasmic hexameric red fluorescent protein mCherry for extra-strong labeling. | [44] |
30004, 30005, 30037, 30043 30118 | QUAS-mtdTomato-3xHA | Membrane-bound red fluorescent protein tdTomato. | [15] |
30128 | QUAS-FRT-stop-FRT-shibirets | Temperature-sensitive shibire protein, expressed upon FLP-mediated recombination that removes the transcriptional stop cassette. | [15] |
30010, 30011, 30012, 30013 | QUAS-shibirets | Temperature-sensitive shibire protein. Inhibits synaptic transmission at 29 °C and above. | [15] |
41565, 41566 | QUAS-Ten-a | Presynaptic teneurin | [51] |
41571, 41572 | QUAS-Ten-m | Postsynaptic teneurin | [51] |
61658, 61811 | QUAS-p65AD∷CaM | p65 activation domain, fused to Calmodulin. Component of activity-dependent labeling system TRIC. | [61] |
61659, 61660 | QUAS-FRT-stop-FRT-p65AD∷CaM | p65 activation domain, fused to Calmodulin. Expressed upon FLP-mediated recombination that removes the transcriptional stop cassette. Component of activity-dependent labeling system TRIC. | [61] |
52230 | QUAS-ChIEF-tdTomato | A variant of Channelrhodopsin, excitatory blue light-activated sodium channel, tagged with tdTomato. | Contributed by Kaiyu Wang |
30009 | QUAS-dm | Diminutive (Drosophila myc). | Contributed by Christopher Potter and Liqun Luo |
51948, 51949, 51950 | QUAS-GAL80 | GAL80, repressor of GAL4 | Contributed by Christopher Potter |
52231 | QUAS-GCaMP3 | GCaMP3 calcium reporter for live imaging | Contributed by Kaiyu Wang |
QUAS-spH | Synapto-pHluorin, a pH-sensitive mutant of GFP that allows to monitor synaptic vesicle release. | [57] | |
QUAS-Brp-Short-mStraw | Bruchpilot-Short protein, fused to mStrawberry, to label sites of presynaptic neurotransmitter release. | [52] | |
QUAS-GFP11 | A GRASP version of GFP for labeling synaptic connections. | [79] | |
QS repressor lines | |||
30021, 30022, 30024, 52112 | αTubulin-QS | Expresses QS, the repressor of TA’s with QF AD, under the control of αTubulin84B promoter | [15] |
30033 | UAS-QS | Expresses QS, the repressor of TA’s with QF AD, under the control of UAS | [15] |