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. 2017 Jan 27;12(1):e0169415. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169415

Table 3. Hierarchical model to identify factors associated with number of iron-folic acid supplement during their pregnancy period among pregnant and postnatal mothers attending ANC and PNC follow up in governmental health centers in Akaki Kality sub city, 2015.

Model 1 ARR, 95%CI Model 2 ARR, 95%CI Model 3(Final) ARR,95%CI
Mothers education(Ref = cannot read and write)
Can read and write 1.3(0.92,1.81) 1.32(0.99,1.74) 1.25(0.94,1.66)
Primary education 1.21(0.89,1.62) 1.17(0.91,1.48) 1.10(0.84,1.41)
Secondary education 1.45(1.04,1.97)* 1.42(1.09,1.82)* 1.34(1.01,1.75)*
College and above 1.33(0.91,1.93) 1.32(0.97,1.78) 1.22(0.88,1.67)
Mother's occupation (Ref = Housewife)
Government employ 0.98(0.78,1.24) 0.96(0.79,1.18) 0.91(0.75,1.12)
Private employ 1.25(1.05,1.49)* 1.28(1.10,1.49)* 1.28(1.11,1.49)***
Merchant 0.97(0.77,1.22) 0.99(0.82,1.20) 0.95(0.79,1.12)
Farmer 0.63(0.36,1.21) 0.65(0.40,1.11) 0.63(0.39,1.07)
Family Income(ref = 900–1800)
1801–2700 ETB 0.9(0.72,1.13) 0.82(0.67,1.00) 0.82(0.68,1.00)
2701–3600 0.87(0.68,1.11) 0.74(0.60,0.91)* 0.74(0.60,0.91)**
3601–4500 0.73(0.54,1.00)* 0.68(0.52,0.89)* 0.68(0.53,0.88)**
>4500 0.97(0.73,1.27) 0.82(0.65,1.03) 0.80(0.64,1.01)
Encounter any side effect(Yes) 0.80(0.72,0.89)* 0.81(0.73,0.90)***
Received health education 1.19(1.05,1.34)* 1.17(1.03,1.32)*
The supplement increases blood(Yes) 1.16(1.04,1.31)**
Supplement is taken when sick(Yes) 0.55(0.37,0.87)**

Signif. Codes:0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05

(Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial (3.0911) family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 648.82 on 517 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 569.57 on 499 degrees of freedom

AIC: 4841.8