(V) Vertex, (Eu) eunion, (Lo) latero-orbitale, (Or) orbitale, (Zy) zygion, (Cd) condylion, (Ko) Koronoid, (Ma) mastoid, (NC) nasal cavity, (Cr) crista galli, (ANS) anterior nasal spine, (Go) gonion, (Ag) antegonion, (Me) menton, (G) glabella, (N) nasion, (S) sella turcica, (SOr) supra orbitale, (R) rhinion, (KR) key ridge, (Pr) prosthion, (A) point A, (PNS) posterior nasal spine, (Id) infradentale, (Gn) gnathion. The NA plane was used as a reference to measure the anteroposterior position of G, SOr, R, Or, and KR, with positive and negative values indicating whether the landmark is in an anterior and posterior direction, respectively, from the NA plane.