Figure 3. Defects in cerebellar foliation and histogenesis were observed in human DWM cases with deletions in chromosome 6p25.
(A–I) Hematoxylin and Eosin stained midsagittal sections through the fetal cerebellar vermis in normal (A–C) and del chr 6p25 samples (D–F). Ages are indicated in gestational weeks (gw). Cerebellar outlines are provided for clarity with higher magnification locations indicated. The Xth lobule of the posterior vermis in DW1 (D, black box; G) was only partially formed, similar to the Foxc1hith/hith cerebellum while in (E–F), the posterior vermis was severely dysplastic in DW2 and DW3. The del chr 6p25 cerebella also had ectopic Calbindin+ Purkinje cells (H, box and I) and ectopic Ki67+ Pax6+ GCPs (H, box J–L). Scale bar = 1 mm (A–F), 200 µm (G) and 100 µm (H–L).