Figure 4. Defects in Purkinje cell alignment and Bergmann glial morphology were observed in the cerebellum of fetuses with chr 6p25 mutations.
(A–L) Midsagittal sections through normal (A-F) and del chr 6p25 (G–L) fetal cerebellar vermis stained for Calbindin (A–C, G–I) and GFAP (D–F, J–L). Cerebellar outlines are provided for clarity. Colored boxes show locations of panels. Ages are indicated in gestational weeks (gw). Purkinje cells during normal cerebellar development were arranged in a distinct multilayered band beneath the molecular layer throughout the cerebellum from 18–23 gw (A–C, insets). In all del chr 6p25 cases, Purkinje cells were ectopically broadly distributed in the forming cerebellar cortex (G–I). Bergmann glial fibers extended from the PC layer to the EGL in the normal cerebellum (D–F). These fibers were sparse and highly dysmorphic in the del chr 6p25 cases (J–L). Scale bar = 100 µm.