Figure 2. Sexual images, effects of kisspeptin on brain activity, and correlations with reward and sexual aversion.
(A) Whole-brain analysis of enhanced activity by kisspeptin administration in response to sexual images. Am, amygdala; GP, globus pallidus; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; P, putamen; T, thalamus. (B) Percentage of mean BOLD signal change in a priori limbic and paralimbic anatomically defined ROIs in response to sexual images. Data depict within-participant paired raw data, mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, paired 2-sided t test. Ant., anterior, Post., posterior. (C) Correlation between baseline reward score (BAS reward score) and enhancement of hippocampal activity by kisspeptin in response to sexual images. (D) Correlation between change in sexual aversion (SADI-negative) and putamen enhancement by kisspeptin (KP) in response to sexual images. Partial correlation testing, adjusted for visit order. n = 29.