A) Slice through a tomographic reconstruction of Φ29 after penetration of the cell wall and with the tail fused to the cytoplasmic membrane, prior to DNA ejection. B) Surface rendering of Φ29 modeled on the tomogram from A) with a schematic diagram of the Gram-positive cell wall to better visualize this stage of infection. C) Slice through a tomographic reconstruction of an empty phage particle after DNA ejection. D) Sliced view of the Φ29 surface rendering shown on top of the tomogram from C) with cell wall diagram to better visualize this stage of infection C). Scales are the same for all panels. CW: cell wall; CM cytoplasmic membrane. In surface renderings, head fibers are shown in light blue, the capsid in darker blue, appendages in oranges, and the tail is shown as a gradient from blue to green, terminating with the tail knob.