(A) Human Inflammatory Cytokines Multi-Analyte ELISArray™ performed on MSC cultured in acidic or physiological medium for 24 hours (n=3); (B) IL6 and IL8 protein expression in the same samples after 24 hrs from the start of the incubation with acidic medium by using specific ELISA. Mean ± SE (n=12), *P<0.05; (C) IL6 and IL8 mRNA analysis of MSC at different time points after the incubation with acidic medium. Mean ± SE (n=12), ***P<0.001, **P<0.01, and *P<0.05 vs T0; (D) The induction of IL6 and IL8 mRNA expression by the acidic medium is reversible: mRNA levels of IL6 and IL8 were analyzed at T0, when the medium was change with acidic medium, at T1 at the end of the incubation period, and at T2, after additional 16 hours from the interruption of the acidic stimulus. Mean ± SE of each different lot of MSC (n=12), CSF2/GM-CSF, CSF3/G-CSF, BMP2 mRNA analysis of MSC after 6 hours of culture in acidic medium. Mean ± SE (n=12); (E) IL8 serum level trend in patients at diagnosis and at 12 months since diagnosis (after treatment).