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. 2016 Dec 16;113(50):847–854. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2016.0847

eTable 4. Perception of danger of e-cigarettes as compared to conventional cigarettes in the total population and in selected groups.

Variable Characteristic Less
dangerous than
tobacco cigarettes
dangerous as
tobacco cigarettes
More dangerous than
tobacco cigarettes
No response Total
Total (%) 828 (20.7) 1852 (46.3) 644 (16.1) 679 (17.0) 4002
Ever use of
e-cigarettes (%)
User 190 (40.2) 184 (38.9) 59 (12.5) 30 (6.3) 473
Never user 636 (18.0) 1666 (47.3) 575 (16.3) 647 (18.4) 3524
Smoker status (%) Smoker 250 (25.5) 444 (45.3) 156 (15.9) 131 (13.4) 981
Quit smoking in 2010 or later 68 (31.8) 94 (43.9) 36 (16.8) 16 (7.5) 214
Quit smoking before 2010 127 (15.9) 376 (47.1) 128 (16.0) 167 (20.9) 798
Tried out smoking 123 (19.6) 306 (48.8) 102 (16.3) 96 (15.3) 627
Never smoker 255 (18.8) 626 (46.0) 219 (16.1) 261 (19.2) 1361
Age group (%) 14–19 years 117 (35.5) 131 (39.7) 70 (21.2) 12 (3.0) 330
20–39 years 249 (23.7) 530 (50.5) 171 (16.3) 100 (9.5) 1050
40–59 years 296 (21.6) 656 (47.9) 182 (13.3) 235 (17.2) 1369
≥ 60 years 165 (13.2) 535 (42.7) 221 (17.6) 332 (26.5) 1253
Formal education
level* (%)
Low 89 (12.9) 290 (42.1) 159 (23.1) 151 (21.9) 689
Medium 224 (19.5) 536 (46.6) 194 (16.9) 195 (17.0) 1149
High 390 (22.0) 882 (49.8) 215 (12.1) 284 (16.0) 1771
Sex (%) Male 492 (25.2) 802 (41.1) 309 (15.8) 348 (17.8) 1951
Female 336 (16.4) 1050 (51.2) 334 (16.3) 330 (16.1) 2050

As a result of weighting, summation of absolute frequencies may contain round-off errors, in the range of 1 to 2 persons.

*low = no qualification or Volks- or Hauptschulabschluss (year 9 lower secondary school certificate); medium = polytechnic secondary school (Polytechnische Oberschule; POS),

Real- or Mittelschulabschluss (year 10 lower secondary school certificate); high = Abitur, Fachabitur (secondary school certification, allows entrance to a university)