Fig. 5.
Correlations and trends of glycosylation variants. (Black symbols represent processes at pH 7.0, blue symbols at pH 6.8, red symbols at pH 7.2; closed symbols represent processes at pCO2 5 %, half-closed at 12.5 % and open symbols at 20 %; triangles represent processes at pO2 25 %, squares at 10 %, circles at 40 %). Antibody galactosylation level (GI) over a sialylation (SI) and b afucosylation (aFI). Antibody galactosylation seemed to correlate positively with afucosylation and sialylation. A strong correlation between sialylation and mannosylation 8 were derived from C. In D, mannose 8 levels are plotted over mannose 6, it can be derived that highest mannosylation levels only occurred for processes at pH 6.8 and 7.2