Gene regulation with tBOOH treatment, diquat treatment, and nfe2 knockout. All heatmaps show fold change data relative to the untreated 2hpf wildtype (WT), with red indicating up-regulation and green indicating down-regulation. Black gene names indicate genes significant in at least one Rank Product test, red indicate up-regulation across all relevant conditions, green indicate down-regulation across all relevant conditions, and grey indicates non-significance for the conditions of interest. A) Effect of tBOOH treatment at 48 and 96 hpf. Black genes represent those significant in at least one strain (WT or KO) or time point (48 or 96hpf) and grey represent those that were not significant for tBOOH up-regulation. txn1, in red, was found to be up-regulated across both time points and strains. B) Effect of nfe2 knockout. Up-regulation of this gene set was observed across all time points in the nfe2 knockout strain. The red-highlighted subset of genes were significantly up-regulated across all times and treatments as compared to the untreated WT strain. C) Up and down-regulated gene commonalities across wildtype versus knockout fish. The upper plot indicates gene overlaps between the Rank Product gene lists for WT versus KO tests. The dot matrix of the plot shows the intersections and the bars represent the size of the overlaps. A set of 6 genes were found to be common across all tests for up-regulation (red), and 4 were found to be common across all tests for down-regulation (green). All 6 up-regulated genes and 3 of the 4 down-regulated genes were also found to be clustered closely within the fold change heat maps with the relevant overlapping genes for up and down-regulation highlighted red and green, respectively (for interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).