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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 3.
Published in final edited form as: J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2016 Jul 29;46(2):247–257. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2016.1188699

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of 41 Study Participants Across Study Time Points.

T1 T2

BD (n=19) Control (n=22) BD (n=19) Control (n=22)
Demographic characteristics
 Age in years, Mean (SD) 16.1 (1.75) 15.7 (1.48) 17.3 (1.86) 16.8 (1.40)
 Female, n (%) 11 (57.9) 11 (52.4) 11 (57.9) 11 (52.4)
 Caucasian, n (%) 13 (68.4) 12 (57.1) 13 (68.4) 12 (57.1)
 Socioeconomic status, Mean (SD) 4.68 (0.58) 4.68 (0.58) -- --
 Pubertal development score, Mean (SD) 3.41 (0.33) 3.14 (0.62) 3.53 (0.36) 3.39 (0.48)
Clinical characteristics
 Current episode
   Manic/Hypomanic, n (%) 2 (10.5) -- 1 (5.3) --
   Depressed, n (%) 6 (31.6) -- 5 (26.2) --
   Mixed, n (%) 3 (15.8) -- 1 (5.3) --
   Inter-episode, n (%) 8 (42.1) -- 12 (63.2) --
 C-GAS score, Mean (SD) 55.5 (10.5) 93.7 (3.31) 61.1 (9.7) 91.1 (4.87)
 YMRS score, Mean (SD) 18.4 (8.15) 0.26 (0.56) 14.3 (9.06) 0.75 (1.12)
 CDRS-R score, Mean (SD) 45.6 (16.5) 18.2 (1.51) 37.4 (13.3) 19.0 (1.81)
 Antipsychotics, n (%) 13 (68.4) -- 16 (84.2) --
 Anticonvulsants, n (%) 9 (47.4) -- 10 (52.6) --
 SSRIs, n (%) 8 (42.1) -- 7 (36.8) --
 Stimulants, n (%) 7 (36.8) -- 8 (42.1) --
 Lithium, n (%) 3 (15.8) -- 7 (36.8) --
 Wellbutrin, n (%) 2 (10.5) -- 3 (15.8) --
 SARIs, n (%) 2 (10.5) -- 0 (0) --
 TCAs n (%) 1 (5.3) -- 1 (5.3) --
 TeCAs 0 (0) -- 3 (15.8) --
 Two or more classes of medications 12 (63.2) -- 15 (78.9) --

T1, Time 1; T2, Time 2; SD, standard deviation; Pubertal development score based on Pubertal Development Scale; C-GAS, Children's Global Assessment Scale; YMRS, Young Mania Rating Scale. CDRS-R, Child Depression Rating Scale - Revised. SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SARI, serotonin antagonist reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; TeCA, tetracyclic antidepressant.Valid percents are reported. Two control group participants were missing YMRS scores.