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. 2017 Jan 23;9(1):36–43. doi: 10.1136/heartasia-2016-010846

Table 4.

HRs and 95% CIs of cardiovascular disease (CVD) according to changes in ECG abnormalities in Code5

Minnesota Code At entry After 10 years annual examination No. at risk Stroke Coronary heart disease Total CVD
Code5 No None 6900 Cases 598 (reference) 192 (reference) 774 (reference)
No Minor 1101 Cases 138 37 170
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 1.69 (1.40–2.03)*** 1.51 (1.06–2.16)* 1.63 (1.38–1.93)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.44 (1.19–1.74)*** 1.38 (0.96–1.99) 1.42 (1.19–1.69)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.43 (1.17–1.73)*** 1.37 (0.95–1.98) 1.41 (1.18–1.67)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.40 (1.15–1.70)*** 1.35 (0.93–1.95) 1.38 (1.16–1.64)***
No Major 239 Cases 23 11 32
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 1.41 (0.93–2.14) 2.27 (1.23–4.19)** 1.54 (1.08–2.19)*
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.15 (0.76–1.76) 2.07 (1.12–3.84)* 1.29 (0.90–1.85)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.09 (0.71–1.67) 1.95 (1.05–3.64)* 1.23 (0.86–1.76)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.03 (0.67–1.57) 1.92 (1.03–3.59)* 1.17 (0.82–1.68)
Minor No 178 Cases 11 11 22
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 0.74 (0.41–1.34) 2.54 (1.38–4.68)** 1.18 (0.77–1.80)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 0.63 (0.34–1.14) 2.19 (1.18–4.05)* 1.01 (0.66–1.55)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 0.58 (0.32–1.06) 2.10 (1.13–3.91)* 0.95 (0.62–1.46)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 0.58 (0.32–1.06) 2.10 (1.13–3.90)* 0.95 (0.62–1.45)
Minor Minor 488 Cases 61 19 79
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 1.48 (1.13–1.93)** 1.55 (0.96–2.49) 1.52 (1.20–1.92)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.19 (0.90–1.56) 1.36 (0.83–2.21) 1.24 (0.98–1.58)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.17 (0.89–1.54) 1.36 (0.83–2.22) 1.23 (0.97–1.57)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.15 (0.88–1.52) 1.33 (0.81–2.18) 1.21 (0.95–1.54)
Minor Major 212 Cases 43 10 53
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 2.65 (1.94–3.62)*** 1.97 (1.04–3.74)* 2.56 (1.93–3.39)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.96 (1.42–2.70)*** 1.72 (0.89–3.31) 1.95 (1.46–2.61)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.86 (1.34–2.58)*** 1.69 (0.87–3.27) 1.88 (1.40–2.52)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.83 (1.32–2.55)*** 1.66 (0.86–3.22) 1.85 (1.38–2.48)***
Major No 30 Cases 3 1 4
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 1.63 (0.52–5.06) 1.96 (0.27–14.00) 1.71 (0.64–4.56)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.61 (0.52–5.04) 1.71 (0.24–12.35) 1.65 (0.61–4.42)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.63 (0.52–5.11) 1.74 (0.24–12.61) 1.67 (0.62–4.50)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.64 (0.53–5.14) 1.73 (0.24–12.52) 1.68 (0.62–4.50)
Major Minor 40 Cases 6 1 7
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 1.88 (0.84–4.21) 1.11 (0.16–7.95) 1.73 (0.82–3.66)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 1.74 (0.78–3.91) 0.98 (0.14–7.02) 1.58 (0.75–3.34)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 1.73 (0.77–3.89) 0.96 (0.13–6.92) 1.57 (0.74–3.31)
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 1.69 (0.75–3.80) 0.94 (0.13–6.73) 1.52 (0.72–3.22)
Major Major 191 Cases 44 19 61
Age-adjusted and gender-adjusted HR (model 1) 3.01 (2.21–4.10)*** 4.54 (2.81–7.32)*** 3.37 (2.59–4.39)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 2) 2.23 (1.62–3.07)*** 3.65 (2.22–6.02)*** 2.56 (1.95–3.36)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 3) 2.23 (1.61–3.08)*** 3.67 (2.20–6.10)*** 2.56 (1.94–3.37)***
Multivariate-adjusted HR (model 4) 2.15 (1.55–2.98)*** 3.62 (2.17–6.05)*** 2.48 (1.88–3.28)***

Model 2: covariates were age, gender, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medication, body mass index, smoking category (never, past or current smokers), alcohol intake category (never, past, current <46, current ≥46 g/day), serum total cholesterol and diabetic type.

Model 3: covariates comprised model 2 plus other ECG abnormalities (high R-wave, ventricular premature beats, atrial fibrillation) at study entry.

Model 4: covariates comprised model 3 plus changes in other ECG abnormalities (high R-wave, ventricular premature beats, atrial fibrillation) during follow-up.

*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.