Figure 5. Effect of guide bending on the quality of transport.
Subfigure (a–c) shows overlaid snapshots of equally spaced time-evolved states, where RC is the radius of curvature of the bend and the color axis is |ψ|2. (a) Adiabatic bending, in which the magnon stays in the transversal ground state throughout the propagation. (b) As we make the bend tighter, the magnon starts to excite higher modes, although, it still stays confined in the guide. (c) At small bend radius the magnon leaks out of the guide. (d) Population inside waveguide as a function of y-position, for several radii of curvatures. (e) Bend loss as a function of potential depth, εmin for several radii of curvature. For a sharper bend, a deeper well is required to avoid bend loss.