For an unstable protein, positive feedback provides the lowest noise in event timing for a fixed mean FPT. (Top) Noise in timing () as a function of the feedback strength for different control strategies. The value of is changed in Eq. 14/Eq. 15 so as to keep fixed. The performance of the negative feedback worsens with increasing feedback strength. In contrast, positive feedback with an optimal value of provides the highest precision in event timing. Other parameters used are , molecules, , , and for positive feedback . (Bottom) The minimum value of obtained via positive feedback increases monotonically with the protein degradation rate. A smaller basal promoter strength in Eq. 15 gives better noise suppression than a larger value . For comparison purposes, obtained without any feedback (), and a linear feedback with and in Eq. 13 chosen to minimize for a given are also shown. The parameter values used are molecules, , and .