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. 2017 Jan 30;7:41637. doi: 10.1038/srep41637

Table 2. MRI characteristics, prevalence of single SVD markers, SVD subscores and SVD specification of the study sample.

MRI characteristics
Normalized Brain Volume (nIcV in %) 69 (1)  
WMH volume (cm3) 12.19 (12.17)  
WMH score deep WMH N %
0 104 15.3
1 430 63.4
2 124 18.3
3 20 2.9
WMH score perivent WMH
 0 21 3.1
 1 436 64.3
 2 178 26.3
 3 43 6.3
 0 599 88.3
 1–3 70 10.3
 >3 9 1.4
 0 639 94.2
 1 28 4.1
 ≥2 11 1.6
 0 2 0.3
 1 402 59.3
 2 249 36.7
 3 24 3.5
 4 1 0.1
Score 1 on SVD scale N %
SVD WMH (WMH score 2 or 3 in deep WMH &/or WMH score 3 in perivent WMH) 152 22.4
SVD CMB (1 or more CMB) 79 11.7
SVD lacune (1 or more lacunes) 39 5.8
SVD PVS (grade 2–4 in BG) 274 40.4

Sample characteristics are presented as mean and standard deviation (SD in brackets) if not otherwise specified.

BG = basal ganglia; Normalized Brain Volume (nIcV) = brain volume normalized by intracranial volume; lacune = lacune of presumed vascular origin, CMB = cerebral microbleeds, N = number of subjects, perivent = periventricular; PVS = perivascular spaces, WMH = white matter hyperintensities.