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. 2017 Jan 15;14:122–129. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.01.008

Table 1.

Comparison of the connectivity in the putamen seeds between two groups.

Seeds Contrast Brain region Cluster size Peak z score MNI coordinates (mm)
x y z
DCP_C BP > HC I S1/M1 1216 3.79 34 − 26 62
I premotor cortex 34 − 6 62
I insula 261 3.66 38 − 8 − 6
I temporal lobe 3.3 60 0 6
DRP_C BP > HC I premotor cortex 700 3.95 34 − 2 64
I S1/M1 28 − 22 66
VRP_C BP > HC I temporal lobe 404 4.37 50 − 54 − 4
I S1/M1 952 3.93 46 0 22
C temporal lobe 247 3.56 − 64 − 60 − 4
DRP_I BP > HC I S1/M1 1225 4.28 36 − 16 68
DCP_I BP > HC C S2 633 4.18 − 40 − 36 20
I S2 371 3.69 48 − 36 20
VRP_I BP > HC I fusiform 327 3.79 22 − 72 − 12
VRP_C HC > BP I thalamus 362 3.64 10 − 4 6
C caudate 3.27 − 4 10 0
DCP_C HC > BP No region above the threshold
DRP_C HC > BP No region above the threshold
VRP_I HC > BP No region above the threshold
DRP_I HC > BP No region above the threshold
DCP_I HC > BP No region above the threshold

Abbreviation: BP, Bell's palsy; C, contralateral; DCP, dorsal caudal putamen; DRP, dorsal rostral putamen; HC, healthy control; I, ipsilateral; M1, primary motor cortex; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; S2, secondary somatosensory cortex; VRP, ventral rostral putamen.