A. Illustration of the experimental pipeline. Age-synchronized animals were grown on kinase/phosphatase specific RNAi-expressing bacteria at the indicated conditions. The percentage of animals showing a disrupted vulva development (Multivulva / Vulvaless) was scored at day 2 of adulthood. B. For each RNAi-treatment of a kinase (or phosphatase) in animals with perturbed RAS signaling, the percentage of animals with disrupted vulva phenotype was scored. Shown are the medians (± SEM) of at least 3 independent experiments. Four kinase treatments and two phosphatase treatments showed a significantly higher tendency for disrupted phenotype relative to control (p-values: mpk-1 p = 0.012, F31E3.2 p = 0.024, mek-2 p = 0.024, lin-2 p = 0.02, ptp-2 p = 4*10−3, dep-1 p = 0.046; Mann-Whitney test). C. Same as in B, for animals with perturbed wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Five kinase treatments and four phosphatase treatments showed a significantly higher tendency for disrupted phenotype relative to control (p-values: lin-2 p = 2.2*10−3, mek-2 p = 0.013, par-1 p = 0.018, mpk-1 p = 0.043, pkc-3 p = 8.6*10−3, let-92 p = 4.6*10−3, dep-1 p = 0.017, ptp-2 p = 0.027, eya-1 p = 0.023; Mann-Whitney test).