(a, b) TEM of longitudinal sections from dorsal roots of Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl (a) and Avil-Cre;Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl mice (b). Scale bars, 0.5 µm. (c, d) TEM of cross sections through dorsal roots of Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl (c) and Avil-Cre;Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl mice (d). Scale bars, 4 µm. (e) Immunostaining of P10 Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl and Avil-Cre;Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl dorsal roots using antibodies against Na+ channels and Caspr shows intact paranodal junctions. Scale bar, 5 µm. (f–h) Immunostaining of P15 Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl and Avil-Cre;Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl dorsal roots using antibodies against Na+ channels (e, red), AnkG (f, red), βIV spectrin (g, red) and panNF (green). Scale bar, 5 µm. (i) The percentage of nodes labeled for Na+ channels in P10 and P15 Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl and Avil-Cre;Nfascfl/fl;Sptbn1fl/fl dorsal and ventral roots. N = 4 animals per age and genotype. ***p=2.0E−06 at P10; p=6.26E−08 at P15.