Figure 8.
Dmp1-Cre Bmpr1af/f mice develop intestinal polyps. (a–d) H&E staining of cross-sections through small (a,b) or large intestines (c,d) of control (Bmpr1af/f) (a,c) or CKO (Dmp1-Cre; Bmpr1af/f) (b,d) littermate mice. Yellow arrowheads in b denote fusing and blunting of villi. (a’–d’) Higher-magnification images of boxed areas in (a–d), respectively, showing a polyp in small (b’) or large (d’) intestine. Yellow bracket in (b’) denotes a pocket of proliferating epithelial cells stained brown for BrdU labeling. H&E, hematoxylin and eosin.