Figure 1. Structural features and thermal stability of the MeCP2 MBD.
(A,B) Solution structure of MBD (pdb 1qk9) and crystallographic structure of MBD bound to mCpG-dsDNA (pdb 3c2i) showing the tryptophan 104 within the folding core. (C) Fluorescence spectra recorded at different temperatures showing the large quantum yield of the single tryptophan at low temperature and the substantial dynamic quenching by water molecules upon unfolding. (D) Fluorescence thermal denaturations for MBD, NTD-MBD and NTD-MBD-ID in the absence of dsDNA and in the presence of unmethylated and mCpG-dsDNA. All unfolding traces could be fitted considering a two-state unfolding model (not shown for clarity purposes). Figures have been created with PyMol (