100 m base topography (tiled) |
SRTM-based elevation (m) |
10.7910/DVN/ET52ON |
100 m base slope (tiled) |
SRTM-derived slope (degree) |
10.7910/DVN/VKAYE8 |
100 m base country code ID (tiled) |
Numeric ISO-3166 country code IDs |
10.7910/DVN/BAOZPR |
100 m base country area (tiled) |
Country area (km2) |
10.7910/DVN/UBJ3WQ |
100 m CHIrPS v2 (tiled) |
Precipitation (mm/yr) |
10.7910/DVN/89TAOX |
100 m nightlights v4 (tiled) |
DMSP nightlights (average of visible band digital number values) |
10.7910/DVN/VO0UNV |
100 m Globcover 2009 (tiled) |
MERIS-based landcover |
10.7910/DVN/XALRAG |
100 m Landsat inland water 2000 (tiled) |
Landsat-based waterbodies |
10.7910/DVN/JYJINK |
100 m MODIS global water (tiled) |
MODIS-based waterbodies |
10.7910/DVN/XSGAG3 |
100 m OpenStreetMap (tiled) |
Waterways, highways, railway network, railway stations, airports |
10.7910/DVN/VEO2BQ |
100 m SRTM SWBD (tiled) |
SRTM-based waterbodies |
10.7910/DVN/G6X1ZS |
100 m Travel Time To Major Cities 50 K (tiled) |
Accessibility to settlements with more than 50,000 inhabitants |
10.7910/DVN/K8HYXZ |
1 km global mosaics |
All above datasets resampled to 1 km resolution |
10.7910/DVN/ADYEZK |