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. 2017 Jan 31;12(1):e0170603. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170603

Table 1. Participant Demographics.

Total Sample (N = 6041)1
Sex, n (%)
    Male 2960 (49.0)
    Female 3081 (51.0)
Age, M (SD) 45.6 (18.9)
BMI2 category, n (%)
    Underweight (< 18.50 kg/m2) 94 (1.7)
    Normal (18.50–24.99 kg/m2) 2282 (42.0)
    Overweight (25.00–29.99 kg/m2) 1931 (35.5)
    Obese (≥ 30.00 kg/m2) 1124 (20.7)
Marital status, n (%)
    Married / de facto 3681 (62.7)
    Separated / divorced 521 (8.6)
    Widowed 333 (5.5)
    Never married 1399 (23.2)
Household income, n (%)
    Less than $30 000 1182 (24.8)
    $30 001 - $60 000 1194 (25.1)
    Greater than $60 000 2374 (50.1)
Educational level, n (%)
    In school 325 (5.4)
    Left school / still studying 2395 (39.7)
    Trade or certificate 2165 (35.9)
    Bachelor’s degree or higher 1147 (19.0)
Employment status, n (%)
    Full-time 2287 (37.9)
    Part-time 1138 (18.9)
    Home duties 459 (7.6)
    Student 506 (8.4)
    Unemployed 125 (2.1)
    Retired 1202 (19.9)
    Other 320 (5.3)
Indigenous status, n (%)
    Aboriginal 113 (1.9)
    Torres Strait Islander 4 (0.1)
    Both 1 (0.0)
    Neither 4367 (74.2)
    Prefer not to answer 1156 (25.8)
ARIA+ score3, n (%)
    0 (high accessibility) 4587 (76.0)
    1 262 (4.3)
    2 315 (5.2)
    3 301 (5.0)
    4 98 (1.6)
    5 139 (2.3)
    6–15 (high remoteness) 335 (5.6)

1. Descriptive statistics are based on the number of participants who provided data. n = 609 participants did not report weight and/or height data, and thus BMI could not be computed for these participants; n = 8 participants did not report marital status; n = 1280 participants did not report household income; n = 9 participants did not report educational level; n = 4 participants did not report employment status; invalid postcodes were entered into the dataset for n = 3 participants, and thus ARIA+ scores could not be calculated for these participants.

2. BMI = body mass index

3. ARIA+ = Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia Plus. These scores range from 0 to 15, and provide an indication of distance by road to population centres of various sizes. Higher scores indicate less accessibility and a greater degree of remoteness.