Table 1.
Differential Expression of miRNA in Human Heart Failure
miRNA Species | ΔExpression | Targeted Protein/Function | Refs. |
miRNA-208a | Upregulated in HF | MED13/systemic metabolism | (8, 16, 43, 82, 114, 140) |
miRNA-17 | Downregulated in HF | NOX2/ROS production | (35, 54, 56) |
miRNA-29a | Upregulated in HF | VDAC1, VDAC2/ATP transport, apoptosis | (6, 35, 49, 83, 131) |
miRNA-424 | Upregulated in HF | Arl2/ATP transport | (29, 35, 93, 131) |
miRNA-320 | Upregulated in HF; downregulated in I/R | PFKm/glycolysis; Hsp20/cardioprotection | (35, 54, 72, 106, 129, 131) |
miRNA-199a | Upregulated in HF; downregulated in ischemia | Hk2, Pkm2/glycolysis; PPARδ/FAO | (3, 35, 103, 104, 139, 162) |
miRNA-21 | Upregulated in HF | PPARα/FAO | (19, 35, 67, 72, 83, 131, 158) |
miRNA-26a | Upregulated in HF | PDHX/aerobic respiration | (20, 72, 83) |
miRNA-27b | Upregulated in HF and cardiac remodeling | PPARγ/lipid metabolism | (35, 54, 83, 151) |
miRNA-27a | Upregulated in HF | PPARγ/lipid metabolism | (19, 35, 54, 83) |
miRNA-24 | Upregulated in HF | FABP4/lipid metabolism | (35, 54, 63, 83, 139) |
miRNA-210 | Upregulated in HF and hypoxia | ISCU1/2/redox | (40, 48, 72) |
miRNA-181c | Upregulated in HF and hypoxia | Mt-COX1/OXPHOS; BCL2/apoptosis | (30, 31, 38, 149, 164) |
miRNA-1 | Upregulated in HF and excessive glucose insult | Hsp60/apoptosis; Hsp70/apoptosis | (35, 54, 67, 72, 83, 118, 126, 131, 165) |
miRNA-378 | Upregulated in HF and diabetes | ATP6/ATP synthesis | (59, 72, 83) |
Differential miRNA expression in human heart failure (HF). List of differentially regulated microRNAs (miRNA) and target proteins during heart failure. Protein function is indicated, as well as reference for differential miRNA expression and targeting of protein. FABP4, fatty acid binding protein subunit 4; VDAC1 and VDAC2, voltage-dependent anion-selective proteins 1 and 2; Mt-COX1, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1; BCL2, B-cell lymphoma 2; ROS, reactive oxygen species; I/R, ischemia/reperfusion; Arl2, ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2; PDHX, pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit X.