A: blood pressures were significantly increased in both ANG II- and AT1-AA-infused rats compared with NP. Neither VD2 nor VD3 treatment affected blood pressure in NP rats. Both VD2 and VD3 significantly reduced blood pressure in ANG II- and AT1-AA-infused rats. AT1-AA infusion increased blood pressure above levels observed in ANG II-infused rats (n: NP = 19, NP+VD2 = 6, NP+VD3 = 5, ANG II = 14, ANG II+VD2 = 9, ANG II+VD3 = 7, AT1-AA = 6, AT1-AA+VD2 = 8, and AT1-AA+VD3 = 6). Comparisons by unpaired t-test. B: there were no changes in pup weight in ANG II or AT1-AA rats compared with NP. Although pup weights were not significantly less in AT1-AA or ANGII infusion compared to NP, VD3 treatment did improve pup weight of AT1-AA infused compared to AT1-AA alone. Comparisons by unpaired t-test and one-way ANOVA. C: placental weights did not differ in ANG II- or AT1-AA-infused rats compared with NP. VD2 did reduce placental weight in AT1-AA-infused rats. No other groups treated with VD2 or VD3 had significantly altered placental weight compared with their untreated counterparts (n: NP = 13, NP+VD2 = 5, NP+VD3 = 4, ANG II = 15, ANG II+VD2 = 9, ANG II+VD3 = 7, AT1-AA = 6, AT1-AA+VD2 = 7, and AT1-AA+VD3 = 6). Comparisons by unpaired t-test. D: placental efficiency, defined as placenta:fetal weight ratio, was not changed with ANG II or AT1-AA infusion compared with NP rats. In addition, neither VD2 nor VD3 affected placenta:fetal weight ratio in either ANG II- or AT1-AA-infused pregnant rats (n: NP = 13, NP+VD2 = 5, NP+VD3 = 4, ANG II = 15, ANG II+VD2 = 9, ANG II+VD3 = 7, AT1-AA = 6, AT1-AA+VD2 = 7, and AT1-AA+VD3 = 6). Comparisons by unpaired t-test and one-way ANOVA. E: uterine artery resistance index (UARI) increased significantly in AT1-AA-infused rats compared with NP. Vitamin D treatment in NP rats did not alter UARI. Resistance was significantly decreased in AT1-AA+VD3 rats but did not dignificantly change in AT1-AA+VD2 rats (n: NP = 5, NP+VD2 = 4, NP+VD3 = 3, AT1-AA = 6, AT1-AA+VD2 = 6, and AT1-AA+VD3 = 4). Comparisons by unpaired t-test. *P < 0.05 vs. NP, ΦP < 0.05 vs. ANG II-infused, ψP < 0.05 vs. AT1-AA-infused.