A) The amount of tau-L1/L2 in HEK cells and the culture medium increases exponentially over time during the first ~48 hours. The amount of tau-L1/L2 in the culture medium relative to intracellular tau-L1/L2 (ratio [medium:cells]) increases linearly over time. Mean±SEM, n=6.
B) Western Blot analysis of human tau (Tau13 antibody) shows the presence of lower molecular weight fragments of tau-L1/L2, likely due to proteolytic degradation, in both culture medium (green) and cell lysates (red) after 72 hours.
C) LDH assay reveals no difference in cell death between GFP and tau-L1/L2 transfected HEK cells (black lines and markers). Normalizing the relative amount of gLuc activity in the medium [medium:cells] to LDH (red line and markers, [medium:cells:LDH]) suggests that tau-L1/L2 release may be partially caused by cell death. Mean±SEM, n=6 experiments.