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. 2016 Aug 11;76(2):329–340. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-209247

Table 3.

Recommendations regarding treatment

L S Agreement (%)
Sun protection, including the routine use of sunblock on sun-exposed areas should be encouraged for patients with JDM. 4 D 100
When treating patients with JDM, it is particularly important to have a physiotherapist and a specialist nurse actively involved as part of a multidisciplinary team. 4 D 100
Treatment of JDM should include a safe and appropriate exercise programme, monitored by a physiotherapist. 4 D 100
We recommend the induction regimen for treatment of new onset patients with JDM to be based on high dose of corticosteroids (oral or intravenous) combined with MTX. 1B A 100
High-dose corticosteroids should be administered systemically either orally or intravenously in moderate–severe JDM. 2A B 100
High-dose corticosteroids should be administered intravenously if there are concerns about absorption. 3 C 100
Corticosteroid dose should be weaned as the patient shows clinical improvement. 4 D 100
Addition of MTX or ciclosporin A leads to better disease control than prednisolone alone; safety profiles favour the combination of methotrexate and prednisolone. 1B A 100
MTX should be started at a dose of 15–20 mg/m2/week (max absolute dose of 40 mg /week) preferably administered subcutaneously at disease onset. 4 D 100
If a newly diagnosed patient has inadequate response to treatment, intensification of treatment should be considered within the first 12 weeks, after consultation with an expert centre. 4 D 100
Intravenous immunoglobulin may be a useful adjunct for resistant disease, particularly when skin features are prominent. 2B-4 C 100
MMF may be a useful therapy for muscle and skin disease (including calcinosis). 3 C 100
Ongoing skin disease reflects ongoing systemic disease and therefore should be treated by increasing systemic immunosuppression. Topical tacrolimus (0.1%)/topical steroids may help localised skin disease, particularly for symptomatic redness or itching. 4 D 100
In patients who are intolerant to methotrexate, change to another DMARD, including ciclosporin A or MMF. 3 C 100
For patients with severe disease (such as major organ involvement/extensive ulcerative skin disease), addition of intravenous cyclophosphamide should be considered. 3 C 100
B cell depletion therapy (rituximab) can be considered as an adjunctive therapy for those with refractory disease. Clinicians should be aware that rituximab can take up to 26 weeks to work. 1B D 100
Anti-TNF therapies can be considered in refractory disease; infliximab or adalimumab are favoured over etanercept. 3 D 92
In the presence of developing or established calcinosis, intensification of immunosuppressive therapy should be considered. 3 C 100
There is no high-level evidence of when to stop therapy; however, consideration may be given to withdrawing treatment if a patient has been off steroids and in remission on methotrexate (or alternative DMARD) for a minimum of 1 year. 4 D 100

Agreement indicates percentage of experts that agreed on the recommendation during the final voting round of the consensus meeting.

1A, meta-analysis of randomised controlled trial; 1B, randomised controlled study; 2A, controlled study without randomisation; 2B, quasi-experimental study; 3, descriptive study; 4 expert opinion; A, based on level 1 evidence; B, based on level 2 or extrapolated from level 1; C, based on level 3 or extrapolated from level 1 or 2; D, based on level 4 or extrapolated from level 3 or 4 expert opinion; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; JDM, juvenile dermatomyositis; L, level of evidence; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MTX, methotrexate; S, strength of recommendation; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.