Figure 2. Mature gRNAs with desired guide sequences were precisely produced from hPTG strategy.
(A) Electrophoresis of cRT-PCR products in an acrylamide gel. Red arrow indicates the mature gRNAs produced from hPTG1 and hPTG2. Vec, empty vector control. (B) Chromatography of mature gRNA sequences were revealed by cRT-PCR and DNA sequencing. The arrow indicates the first nucleotide at the 5′-end of mature gRNAs. (C) The mapped cleavage site in hPTG1 and hPTG2 according to cRT-PCR results. The scissor indicates the cleaved site of the tRNA processing system. Blue letter, tRNA; red letter, gRNA guide sequence; lowercase letter, gRNA scaffold sequence; underlined letter, Pol III terminator.