Figure 7. Comparison of DTI to DDE.
Mean values of the DDE-PRESS parameters of axial diffusivity (D‖) from the monoexponential model and slow diffusion constant (Dslow) and the Restricted Fraction (fR) from the biexponential model both exhibit consistent relationships with injury severity (A). Mean values of the DTI parameters of mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA) over the 6 slices centered at the lesion epicenter are shown (B), with only weak relationship to injury effect. Weighted ROI analysis of DTI parameters (C) showed an improvement in injury stratification in MD, AD and FA. Error bars reflect standard deviation. P-values indicate the one-way ANOVA for each parameter, and asterisks represent a significant group difference compared to the sham group in a post-hoc comparison.