A visual representation of the generalized psychophysiological interactions analysis (gPPI) employed to investigate the subjective decision-making-related modulation of connectivity between Component 3 and Component 9. The dependence of one time series (i.e., TS1) was predicted by the second time series (i.e., TS2), the task conditions, the interaction of the task design and TS2, and covariates of no interest (not pictured). The task conditions modeled included subjective decisions (i.e., WANT), objective (control; CON) decisions (i.e., SOONER, LARGER), as well as DON’T WANT decisions and corresponding cues for each decision type (not pictured). Similarly, the interaction between TS2 and each task condition was modeled. The interaction beta estimates corresponding to WANT, SOONER, and LARGER trials were used to estimate a WANT>CON contrast. Component 3 and Component 9 were tested as dependent variables in two separate models.