Figure 4. TERRA is abundant in ICF LCLs during all stages of the cell cycle.
Relative TERRA levels were determined in various LCLs sorted to G1, S and G2/M phases. FACS analysis of cell-cycle distribution prior and after sorting was performed to validate the purity of the sorted cell populations. The upper left boxed region displays a typical example of the cell-cycle distribution of an LCL population prior to sorting (depicted as ‘Total') stained with vibrant dye cycle violet, and propidium iodide staining of the enriched populations of G1, S and G2/M after sorting. qRT-PCR analysis of TERRA in the sorted cell-cycle fractions was carried out for five telomeres (9p, 10q, 15q, 16p and 22q) in three ICF LCLs (pCor, pG and pY designated as ICF1, 2 and 3, respectively) and two WT LCLs (GM08729 and GM19116c designated WT1 and 2, respectively). For each subtelomere, TERRA expression in the G1 sample of WT1 was set at 1 and all other expression levels are described relatively to this sample. Bars and error bars represent means and s.e.m. of two experimental repeats. To be noted—the y axis is presented in a logarithmic scale.