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. 2016 Dec 27;36(3):319–333. doi: 10.15252/embj.201696038

Figure EV5. Localization of Tm1‐I/C.

Figure EV5

  • A
    Localization of EmGFP‐Tm1‐I expressed within the female germline.
  • B
    Intensity profile of EmGFP‐Tm1‐I along the dashed arrow in (A). Cellular compartments are indicated above the curve. The non‐EmGFP‐Tm1‐I‐expressing follicle cells serve as a background reference.
  • C–D′
    Localization of mCherry‐Tm1 (magenta) relative to actin (green) within egg‐chambers. (D and D′) High‐magnification imaging of nurse cells reveals dim actin fibres surrounding the nuclei. However, mCherry‐Tm1 puncta do not appear to co‐align with these fibres. An infolding of the NE (D′, arrows) appears as an enrichment of mCherry‐Tm1 and actin inside the nucleus.
  • E, F
    Immunostaining of EmGFP‐Tm1‐I‐expressing (E–E″) and wild‐type (F) PFA‐fixed egg‐chambers with pan‐Tm1 antibody. The Tm1 antibody staining (green) shows a signal distribution similar to that of EmGFP‐Tm1‐I (magenta) within oocytes; however, Tm1‐I localization around the nurse cell NE is barely recognizable in PFA‐fixed mid‐oogenetic egg‐chambers (E′ and F).
  • G–I
    In heat‐fixed specimen, on the other hand, we could detect a faint perinuclear accumulation of the pan‐Tm1 antibody signal in wild‐type (G) but not in Tm1 gs‐mutant (H) stage 8–10 nurse cells. The subtle accumulation we could quantify (I: Nwt = 23, NTm1gs = 18). Lines indicate mean and 95% confidence intervals.
Data information: Scale bars represent 50 μm (A, C, E–H) and 10 μm (D).