COn the left side, a schematic overview of Oct4 and its mutants used for iPSC generation. POUS and POUHD are shown as green bars connected by the linker. Sites mutated to the respective Oct6 residues and Oct6 linker are denoted in orange, and the mutation in the Sox–Oct interface is in black. The efficiency of these constructs for iPSC generation from MEFs is depicted as the absolute number of GFP‐positive colonies on the right. Error bars represent standard deviations of biological replicates (n = 3), and differences between selected samples were compared using ANOVA (P‐values: Oct4WTxOct47D,22K
P = 6.9e‐3; Oct4WTxOct4LinkO6
P = 7.3e‐4; Oct4WTxOct4151M
P = 1.2e‐2; Oct4151MxOct4LinkO6,151M
P = 1.1e‐2; Oct4LinkO6,151M xOct47D,22K,LinkO6,151M
P = 7.1e‐3) (***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05).