Fig. 2.
ALDHBright cells are resistant to BTZ but sensitive to DSF/Cu2+, and BTZ-resistance confers increased resistance to Ara-C in CMY cells. CMY cells were treated with 5 nM BTZ and processed for ALDH activity using ALDELUORTM assay and flow cytometry. Dot plot shows the percentage of ALDH-positive cells (FITC) on the x-axis, and the sideward scatter (SSC-A) on the y-axis. The gated cell populations were created using the ALDH inhibitor DEAB provided with the kit. One percent of the ALDHBright cell population was resistant to BTZ (a). Because these cells may play a role in BTZ resistance, this subpopulation was flow-sorted and subsequently subjected to drug dose response assays of either DSF/Cu2+ or a re-exposure to BTZ. The BTZ-resistant ALDHbright subpopulation of CMY cells was still resistant to BTZ (IC50 7.7 nM) compared to untreated, unsorted CMY cells (IC50 2 nM), but were sensitive to DSF/Cu2+ (IC50 56 nM vs 52 nM for untreated, unsorted CMY cells) (b). BTZ-resistant variants from CMY and CMK cell lines (CMY-BR and CMK-BR) were generated by exposure to stepwise increasing concentrations of BTZ up to 200 nM for CMY, and 100 nM for CMK. These cells were treated with different doses of Ara-C, VP-16 and daunorubicin. Dose response curves were plotted in comparison to the CMY and CMK parent cell lines. Approximately 25% of the CMY-BR cells remained viable after treatment with high Ara-C doses for 72 h, but the parental cells completely died at the same doses. The CMK cell line and its BTZ-resistant variant (CMK-BR) were both equally sensitive to Ara-C, VP-16 and daunorubicin (c)