Build grant budget justification to compensate practice expenses incurred.
Build in Continuing Medical Education (CME), Maintenance of Certification.
Package research with practice support services (e.g. EHR support, patient education, mHealth, practice facilitation, purchase and maintenance of data mapping/harmonization products).
Adjacent IDSs may compete with each other for clinical market share. This competition could potentially have the unintended effect of reducing collaboration on research projects.
IDSs may be in direct competition with PBRNs; may not see the worth of PBRN work when they are already connected and have data.
Engage patients and other stakeholders with the idea of existing in a continuously learning health system and how all may benefit from this approach.
Engage providers and staff in publications, presentations, and pursuit of better outcomes for patients based upon sound science.
Initially avoid topics that might be ‘hot button’ for administrators.
Look for win-win grants and contracts that require collaboration with multiple systems; PBRNs bring a primary care focus and insight, and IDSs bring a hospital focus
EHR and data warehouse |
Reduced presence of safety net practices, since community health centers may not be part of the IDS, and use a different EMR. This risks reducing the presence of low socioeconomic status and minority research participants.
Fragmentation of safety net clinic PBRN's as unique entities that are not included in studies that include other practice types
Harmonize diagnostic, test, treatment and utilization variables and codes across IDSs, including community health centers.
Standardization of interoperability methods (data transfer among EHR systems) across IDS's.
Limited staff availability, even with funding, to program EMR modifications or extract data from CDW.
Lack of responsiveness to providing requested data in a timely fashion.
Assure the ability of commercial EHR's to provide prompts to enroll patients in studies, as well as adjust the care process through order sets and targeted and evidence-based educational materials.
Budget programmer time for all projects.
Joint governance of data warehouse by care delivery and academic components of IDS.