Increased expression of dSir2 extends life span in the fly. Life span extension is seen in female (a, c, e, and g) and male (b, d, f, and h) flies in which dSir2 expression is increased (red line) in a ubiquitous manner (a–d) or in the nervous system (e–h) compared with genetically matched controls (blue line). Survivorship curves for genetically matched controls and tubulin-GAL4 driver/dSir2EP2300 flies (a and b), tubulin-GAL4 driver/dSir2EP2384 flies (c and d), ELAV-GAL4 driver/dSir2EP2300 flies (e and f), and RU-486-ELAV-GeneSwitch driver/dSir2EP2300 flies (g and h). Genetically matched controls are flies derived from a second-generation cross of the offspring from the cross that generated the experimental flies in a–f. Controls in a–f are flies containing a mix of the chromosomes found in the experimental flies but which do not contain the GAL4 chromosome, the UAS-containing chromosome, or any balancer chromosome. Controls in g and h are flies from the same cohort fed only diluent and not RU-486. Each life span included at least 149 male and 159 female flies (16).