Table 1. Summary of alkaloids detected in collections of Choresine beetles.
Collection type (no. analyzed) | BTX-A 418 | BTX-A O-acetate (rearranged) 460 | BTX-A O-crotonate 486 | BTX 539 | h-BTX 553 | Other BTXs |
I (29) | ++-+++ | +++ | ++-+++ | nd-++ | nd-+ | 514 (+-++) (2), 500 (+), 525 (+-+++), 583 (+), and others |
II (5) | +++ | +++ | +++ | nd-+++ | nd-+ | 500 (+-++), 514 (++), 565 (+), 583 (+), 597 (+) |
III (3) | +++ | +++ | +++ | 565 | ||
IV (1) | ++ | nd | +++ | +++ | + | 525 (++), 514 (++), 436/438 (++) |
V (1) | + | + | +++ | nd | nd | |
VI* (1) | +++ | +++ | ++ | ++ | + | 500 (+), 514 (+) |
The protonated molecular ion is shown in bold. nd, not detectable; +, trace (detected with single ion profiling); ++, minor; +++, major. Contents ranged widely in different collections listed in I, II, and IV. For example, in the 29 collections reported as type I, BTX-A and BTX-A O-crotonates ranged from minor to major, BTX-A ranged from nd to minor, and h-BTX ranged from nd to trace.
This collection in ethanol (17 beetles, not identified as to species) was sonicated in fresh ethanol for a 30-min period at room temperature after the initial extract had been decanted. The original and sonicated extracts were combined for analysis. The sonication step added little to the BTXs extracted.