Figure 3.
Typical 8% PAGE run with 1 × TBE at 25°C. M, marker fragments. Lane 1: fragment 3 (parC; AatII/BanII), lane 2: fragment 3 (parC H-K; AatII/BanII), lane 3: fragment 1 (parC; BspHI), lane 4: fragment 1 (parC H-K; BspHI), lane 6: fragment 4 (parC; HhaI), lane 7: fragment 4 (parC H-K; HhaI), lane 8: fragment 8 (parC; BspHI/EcoRI), lane 9: fragment 7 (parC; BamHI/BstBI). Numbering of the fragments is according to Table 1. The length of the marker fragments in the two lanes M is given at the right side of the gel. The anomaly migrating fragments containing parC are indicated by asterisks. If the anomaly migrating fragments containing parC of lanes 1–4 would migrate normally (i.e. according to their sequence length), their position in the gel would be at the site indicated by a broken line at the left side of the gel.