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. 2017 Feb;41(1):12–17. doi: 10.1192/pb.bp.115.052456

Table 2.

Principal components analysis

Meana (s.d.)
n = 35
n = 38
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Uniqueness
Factor 1 (eigenvalue 10.42)
    Poses difficult management problem 3.25 (1.18) 4.20 (1.30) 0.5955 0.0826   0.0343 0.1059 0.6261
    Unlikely to improve 2.17 (0.94) 3.64 (1.48) 0.6828 0.2932 −0.0333 −0.4351 0.2574
    Cause of debts under patient's control 3.67 (1.22) 3.28 (1.31) 0.6678 0.2539   0.1938 0.2264 0.4007
    No mental illness 2.53 (1.38) 3.00 (1.57) 0.7153 0.2039 −0.041 −0.3236 0.3403
    Case does not merit NHS time 2.64 (1.15) 2.97 (1.06) 0.6820 −0.2883   0.0797 0.1921 0.4085
    Unlikely to complete treatment 2.67 (1.15) 3.95 (1.23) 0.7376 0.1704 −0.1875 −0.3877 0.2414
    Unlikely to comply with advice
    and treatment
2.89 (0.95) 3.56 (1.27) 0.8410 0.1506 −0.0388 −0.2516 0.2052
    Suicidal urges under patient's control 2.91 (1.00) 2.64 (1.40) 0.8697 0.0496 −0.1665 −0.0827 0.2066
    Likely to become dependent on one 4.08 (1.11) 4.72 (0.79) 0.7435 −0.3069   0.2593 0.0553 0.2827
    Condition not severe 3.25 (0.94) 3.54 (0.91) 0.8259 −0.3129 −0.1401 0.1625 0.1740
    Admission not indicated 3.25 (1.50) 3.55 (1.40) 0.9096 0.0398 −0.1405 −0.0416 0.1496
    Not a suicide risk 2.56 (0.99) 3.00 (0.99) 0.8246 −0.0480 −0.1447 0.2903 0.2126
    Does not require sickness certificate 2.42 (1.59) 3.08 (1.51) 0.8481 −0.2232   0.0573 0.1831 0.1942
    Dependent on BZs 3.29 (1.18) 3.08 (1.23) 0.8432 −0.2268 −0.0802 0.0578 0.2279
    Psychotherapy referral not indicated 1.91 (1.16) 1.95 (1.11) 0.9452 −0.0484 −0.0436 0.0273 0.1017
    Antidepressants not indicated 1.83 (1.16) 3.47 (1.59) 0.8676 −0.2914 −0.0017 0.1573 0.1377

Factor 2 (eigenvalue 1.68)
    Manipulating admission 2.91 (0.95) 2.68 (1.32) −0.0609 0.6055   0.208 0.2771 0.5095
    Unlikely to arouse sympathy 2.46 (1.09) 3.08 (1.36) 0.1055 0.6853 −0.1458 0.3179 0.3969
    Would not like to have in one's clinic 2.86 (1.40) 3.36 (1.55) 0.3862 0.4406   0.1868 0.0396 0.6203

Factor 3 (eigenvalue 1.00)
    Taking an overdose would be attention
2.97 (1.03) 3.64 (1.35) 0.2184 0.4940 −0.6602 0.1606 0.2466
    Should be discharged from out-patient
1.61 (1.10) 1.82 (0.93) 0.3843 0.3520   0.6137 0.0264 0.3511
    Likely to annoy 3.11 (1.28) 3.64 (1.48) 0.4816 0.1173   0.5391 −0.1399 0.4441

BPD, borderline personality disorder; BZ, benzodiazepine; NHS, National Health Service.


Means: higher values indicate greater agreement with statement; there was a 6-point scale between the two statements of the semantic differential.