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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Psychiatry. 2016 Aug 19;174(2):172–185. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.15121587

Table 2.

List of variables entered into each model: Model 1 initially included Demographic/Family and Youth Behavior, Mood, and Cognition variables. Model 2 initially included all of the variables from Model 1 + Neuropsychological Testing Variables. Model 3 initially included all of the Variables from Models 1 + 2 + Neuroimaging variables [cortical thickness and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response during a visual working memory task]. Grayed-out boxes indicate variables that were not selected for the final model. Demographic and neuropsychological variables predicting initiation into alcohol use by age 18 are marked with an X. For neuroimaging data (Model 3), Desikan (39) brain region location is specified using R=right hemisphere, L=left hemisphere, as well as the neuroimaging index CT=cortical thickness and BOLD=BOLD response contrast during a visual working memory task (6-dot supra-span relative to the 2-dot sub-span condition).

Model 1: Model 2: Model 3:
1. Sex X X X
2. Baseline age
3. Follow-up age X X X
4. Race
5. Hollingshead Index of Social Position score (socioeconomic status) X X X
6. Family history density of alcohol or drug use disorder
7. Pubertal Development Scale total X
8. Grade in school
9. Birth order
10. Living with both parents
11. Parents’ marital status
12. Dating status X X X
13. Child involvement in extracurricular activities
14. Hours of video games per week
15. Grade point average X
16. CBCL Externalizing T-score
17. CBCL Internalizing T-score
18. CBCL Withdrawn T-score
19. CBCL Somatic complaints T-score
20. CBCL Anxious/depressed T-score
21. CBCL Social Problems T-score
22. CBCL Thought Problems T-score
23. CBCL Attention Problems T-score
24. CBCL Delinquent Behavior T-score
25. CBCL Aggressive Behavior T-score
26. CBCL Total Problem T-score X
27. Conduct Disorders Questionnaire total X X X
28. Beck Depression Inventory-II total
29. State Trait Anxiety Inventory total
30. AEQ Total Score X X X
31. AEQ Global Positive total X X X
32. AEQ Social Behavior Change total X X X
33. AEQ Improved Performance total
34. AEQ Sexual Enhancement total
35. AEQ Impaired Performance total
36. AEQ Increased Arousal total
37. AEQ Relaxation total
38. CDDR baseline lifetime smoking days (< 5 for all participants)
39. CDDR baseline lifetime drinking days (<10)
40. CDDR baseline lifetime marijuana use days (<3)
41. Repetitions excluded from fMRI series due to motion X
1. Digit Vigilance total time to complete (sec) X X
2. WASI Block Design raw X X
3. WASI Matrix Reasoning raw X X
4. WASI Vocabulary raw X
5. WASI Similarities raw
6. D-KEFS Trails Condition 4 (Number-Letter Switching) time to complete (sec) X
7. D-KEFS Towers Total Achievement Score raw
8. D-KEFS Color Word Interference Inhibition time to complete (sec)
9. D-KEFS Color Word Interference Inhibition/Switching time to complete (sec)
10. ROCF copy accuracy
11. ROCF delay accuracy
12. WISC-III Digits Forward raw
13. WISC-III Digits Backward raw
14. WISC-III Arithmetic raw
15. WISC-III Coding raw
16. WISC-III Mazes raw
17. WAIS-IV Letter-Number Sequence raw
18. Hooper Visual Organization Test total raw
19. CVLT list A total 1 to 5 raw
20. CVLT list A Trial 1 raw
21. CVLT list A Trial 5 raw
22. CVLT short delay free raw
23. CVLT short delay cued raw
24. CVLT long delay free raw
25. CVLT long delay cued raw
26. WRAT-3 Reading raw
Based on Desikan atlas (39); 34 regions per hemisphere, cortical thickness and fMRI measures for each region listed; 34 × 2 × 2=136 total variables
1. Banks of superior temporal sulcus L-CT
2. Caudal anterior cingulate R-BOLD
3. Caudal middle frontal
4. Cuneus
5. Entorhinal
6. Fusiform
7. Inferior parietal
8. Inferior temporal
9. Isthmus cingulate
10. Lateral occipital L-CT
11. Lateral orbitofrontal
12. Lingual L-CT
13. Medial orbitofrontal
14. Middle temporal R-CT, L-BOLD
15. Parahippocampal
16. Paracentral
17. Pars opercularis
18. Pars orbitalis R-CT
19. Pars triangularis
20. Pericalcarine
21. Postcentral
22. Posterior cingulate R-BOLD
23. Precentral
24. Precuneus R-CT, L-BOLD, R-BOLD
25. Rostral anterior cingulate L-CT
26. Rostral middle frontal R-CT
27. Superior frontal R-CT
28. Superior parietal L-CT, R-CT
29. Superior temporal R-BOLD
30. Supramarginal L-CT
31. Frontal pole R-CT, R-BOLD
32. Temporal pole R-CT
33. Transverse temporal L-CT
34. Insula

CBCL=Child Behavior Checklist; AEQ=Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire; CDDR =Customary Drinking and Drug Use Record; WASI=Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; D-KEFS=Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System; ROCF=Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure; WISC-III=Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd edition; WAIS-IV=Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; CVLT= California Verbal Learning Test; WRAT-3= Wide Range Achievement Test-3 Reading scores