Fig. 3.
Effect of acute dehydration on vasopressin content in the posterior pituitaries of wild-type (WT) or fructokinase A/C knockout (KHK-KO) mice. Shown is the vasopressin storage in the posterior pituitaries of WT or KHK-KO mice under ad libitum condition or after 24-h water restriction (WR). WT mice showed a tendency for lower vasopressin levels in their pituitaries following WR, although this did not reach statistical significance at 0.05 level. However, there was significant difference between mouse strains (WT and KHK-KO, P < 0.01). Specifically, under WR condition, vasopressin content in WT mice was significantly lower than that in KHK-KO mice (P < 0.01). Control, ad libitum. Values shown are means ± SE; n = 4–5 per group. *P < 0.05.