Cancer-adjacent polyps (CAPs) and cancer-free polyps (CFPs) exhibit distinct telomere maintenance mechanisms. (a) Boxplot of values for the difference in the normalized hTERT expression in the polyp from the matched normal colon epithelium. hTERT expression in the polyp was subtracted from that in the matched normal for each case to obtain a difference value. CAP and CFP case, left and right, respectively. Negative difference values indicate that the hTERT expression in the polyp tissue is higher than the matched normal, and the inverse for the negative difference values (negative values, higher TERT expression in polyp compared with matched normal; positive values, lower TERT expression in polyp compared with matched normal values). Red, dashed line is drawn at zero for ease in determining positive and negative differences. There is a difference in TERT expression between normal and polyp in the CAP cases (P=0.02), and not for the CFP cases. In addition, the differences in TERT expression between CAP and CFP polyp cases are different, P=0.05. (b) Boxplot showing the values for the difference in the normalized alternative lengthening of telomere (ALT) levels in the polyp from the matched normal colon epithelium, left boxplot is the CAP cases and right boxplot is the CFP cases. These boxplots were generated by the same method as in part A, but for ALT levels. This plot is to show the ALT trend in differences, P>0.05. (c) Heatmap generated for genes reported by Lafferty–Whyte as defining telomerase-positive and ALT-positive cell lines. Plotted in this heatmap are 183 genes from our RNA-seq data. Hierarchical clustering was performed for genes and polyp cases. The left axis is the clustering for the CAP and CFP polyp cases, and the top axis is the clustering for the genes. The top 10 cases for hTERT expression and top 10 cases for ALT expression are shown. Five of the cases overlapped between the groups as having both hTERT expression and ALT level. The red box shows the CAP group that clusters together on the basis of expression and the blue box represents the CFP case cluster.