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. 2017 Jan 30;25:e2845. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.1612.2845

Table 1. Sociodemographic and professional characterization of the participants of the permanent education workshops for the diagnosis and management of syphilis, Londrina, PR, Brazil, 2014.

Characteristics Description N*(102) %
Female Male Total Female Male Total
Age group and sex (n = 90) 22-30 18 02 20 23.1 16.7 22.2
31-40 28 06 34 35.9 50.0 37.8
41-50 14 - 14 17.9 - 15.6
51-61 18 04 22 23.2 33.3 24.4
Graduation Medicine 14 07 21 16.3 43.8 20.6
Nursing 64 08 72 74.4 50.0 70.6
Nursing technician 07 01 08 8.1 6.3 8.1
Other Graduation 01 - 01 1.2 - 0.7
Location Primary Care 79 14 93 91.9 87.5 91.1
Other Services 07 02 09 8.1 12.5 8.9
Training time (in years) < 1 06 - 06 7.0 - 5.9
1 a 3 11 02 13 12.8 12.5 13.7
4 a 5 04 02 06 4.7 12.5 5.9
6 a 10 17 04 21 19.8 25.0 19.6
> 10 48 08 56 55.8 50.0 54.9
Time of action in maternal and child care (in years) < 1 07 - 07 8.1 - 6.9
1 a 3 20 03 23 23.3 18.8 22.5
4 a 5 06 04 10 7.0 25.0 09.9
6 a 10 14 01 15 16.3 6.3 14.7
> 10 39 08 47 45.3 50.0 46.0
Time working in the diagnosis and management of syphilis (in years) < 1 08 - 08 9.3 0.0 7.8
1 a 3 33 04 37 38.4 25.0 36.3
4 a 5 04 04 08 4.7 25.0 07.8
6 a 10 15 03 18 17.4 18.8 17.7
> 10 26 05 31 30.2 31.3 30.4

* When the number of responses was lower than the number of people who answered the questionnaire the total was specified below the variable