RFLP analysis (via agarose gel electrophoresis) of IBDV VP2-encoding fragments amplified from the bursas of immunized, non-immunized, broiler chickens
and other IBDVs. RT-PCR products were digested with the restriction enzymes TaqI, SspI or MvaI. 1: Non
immunized. (1w: after cohabitation), 2: Non immunized. (2w), 3: Immunized. (2w), 4: Broiler (2w), 5: Non immunized. (3w), 6: Immunized. (3w), 7: Size
marker, 8: Field isolate (TA-03 strain; unpublished), 9: Vaccine strain (K), 10: Vaccine strain (Luckert BP), 11: Very virulent strain (F539), 12: Vaccine
strain (2512 G-61).