(A, B, C, and D) Control and HBx-expressing primary rat hepatocytes were loaded with 5 μM Fura-4F and treated with 2 μM TG in Ca2+-free buffer for 10 min. 2 mM BaCl2 (Ba2+) (A and B) or 2 mM MnCl2 (Mn2+) (C and D) was then added back to the imaging buffer and ratios were recorded during the following 10 min. (A and B) The initial rate of Ba2+ entry was calculated as the slope representing Ba2+ influx during the initial 15 seconds following Ba2+ addition. The Ba2+ plateau was calculated as the difference in the plateau Fura-4F ratio following Ba2+ addition and the baseline Fura-4F ratio prior to Ba2+ addition (Rplateau−Rbaseline). (C and D) The rate of Mn2+ quench was calculated as the slope representing Mn2+ influx during the initial 15 seconds following Mn2+ addition. (A, B, C, and D) The data represent the means ± SE and are taken from at least three experiments from different hepatocyte preparations.