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. 2017 Feb 2;12(2):e0170983. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170983

Table 2. Characteristics of participants and frequency of comorbidity.

Category Sub-category Frequency of comorbidities (N, %)
Yes NO Total Pearson chi-squared (χ2) test
Gender Female 388(30.08) 902(69.92) 1290(100) 0.413
Male 128(27.95) 330(72.05) 458(100)
Total 516(29.52) 1232(61.48) 1748(100)
Race Black African 486(28.84) 1199(71.16) 1685(100) 0.011(<0.05)
Coloured 14(35.90) 25(64.10) 39(100)
Indian 10(58.82) 7(41.18) 17(100)
White 4(100) 0 4(100)
Missing 2(66.7) 1(33.3) 3(100)
Total 516(29.52) 1232(70.48) 1748(100)
Age in years Median age group 36–40 (range 18–65)
18–20 42(57.53) 31(42.47) 73(100) 0.000(<0.001)
21–25 10(13.51) 64(86.49) 74(100)
26–30 34(18.99) 145(81.01) 179(100)
31–35 59(17.56) 277(82.44) 336(100)
36–40 82(21.75) 295(78.25) 377(100)
41–45 91(30.03) 211(69.97) 303(100)
46–50 77(41.18) 110(58.82) 187(100)
51–55 74(56.49) 57(43.51) 131(100)
56–60 41(56.94) 31(43.06) 72(100)
61–65 0 2(100) 2(100)
Missing 1(11.11) 8(88.89) 9(100)
Total 516(29.52) 1232(70.48) 1748(100)
Income No formal income 314(30.49) 716(69.51) 1030(100) 0.324
R10000($8333.3) 170(29.06) 415(70.95) 585(100)
R10100-200000($8334–16666) 13(15.12) 73(84.88) 86(100)
R201000-300000($16666–25000) 3(25) 9(75) 129100)
R301000-400000($25000–33333) 2(40) 3(60) 5(100)
R401000-500000($33333–41666) 1(50) 1(50) 2(100)
Self-employed 1(25) 3(75) 4(100)
Missing 12(52.17) 11(47.83) 23(100)
Total 516(29.52) 1232(70.48) 1748(100)

R: South African Rand