Fig. 4.
Four types of knobs-into-holes packing in parallel coiled coils (8, 24, 25). (a) Parallel packing at position a (180°) in the p1 dimer (32). The view is from the N terminus looking down the superhelical axis. The Cα-Cβ bond of each knob (blue) is oriented parallel to the Cα-Cα vector (red) at the base of the recipient hole on the neighboring helix. (b) Acute packing at position a (120°) in the pII trimer. (c) Perpendicular packing at position a (90°) in the pLI tetramer. (d) Packing at position a (72°) in the Trp-14 pentamer. (e) Perpendicular packing at position d (90°) in the dimer. (f) Acute packing at position d (150°) in the trimer. (g) Parallel packing at position d (180°) in the tetramer. (h) Packing at position d (198°) in the pentamer.